5-Ring Three Sectional Staff

  • Sale Price: $29.51
  • Availability: Usually ships in 4-5 business days
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Product Description

This 5 ring three sectional staff is a beautiful weapon that is can can be used both for practice and in demonstrations.This weapon has been featured in many martial arts movies over the years such as Fearless with Jet Li in the scene where he fights the Samurai at the end of the movie. When the fighters get their weapons switched the Samurai smacks himself in the head with it so you know it takes quite a bit of practice to master.If you are new to this weapon be very careful.Features5 ring jointsChrome ball bearing connectors like on the nunchakusMade of black hardwood for strength and durabilityWeapon DimensionsEach section of the staff measures 26 inches longThis weapon is illegal in the following statesNYCAMA

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